Saturday, 26 September 2015

How to fix weak contraction in your non-dominant bicep

Not getting a solid contraction in your non dominant bicep? Don’t worry you are not alone. A lot of people face this problem and have no idea how to overcome it. If you are one of those read on.

Most people generally have a strong dominant side. When they do a particular exercise, the dominant side takes over and does most of the work. Thus the non-dominant side lags behind and remains under developed as compared to the dominant side. I have faced this problem myself while training my left bicep. I wasn’t getting the same contraction, the same pump as compared to my right bicep when performing the curls. It became quite apparent as the days progressed. Visually my right bicep was well defined with all the nerves sticking out but my left side just wasn’t the same.

If you continue to train the same way, eventually the dominant side will keep getting bigger and stronger as compared to your non dominant side. After a lot of effort I now feel that my left bicep has covered up the deficit. Here are a few tips which I incorporated in my workouts which might be helpful:

1. Ditch the Barbell curl

Yes, you heard that right. Ditch the barbell curls!! Don’t get me wrong traditionally the barbell curl is the most iconic exercise to train biceps for size and strength and I love the exercise but there is one inherit limitation in using the barbell. While curling the barbell both your biceps work together in a synchronized manner. The problem with this is when you load up the weights, your non dominant side eventually gives in. This slack is then compensated by your dominant side without you even realizing it, which over a period of time would create a rift between your right and the left bicep.

Try to isolate each bicep. I would advise you to use dumbbells so that each bicep is allowed to do its own work. Dumbbell concentration curls and dumbbell preacher curls should be in your arsenal.

2. Start with the left bicep (Non dominant)

It is a well-known fact that the intensity of the workout diminishes towards the end. Thus the exercises performed towards the end don’t usually bring in the same results as compared to the muscles you train first. A classic example is the calf. Usually it is trained at the end of the leg work out and people just go through the motions and just want to get the legs day over with. This the main reason you see so many people with under developed calves.

The same logic applies here, while training biceps always start with the non-dominant side.

3. Hold at peak contraction

While performing the curls press and hold at least for two seconds at the peak contraction. The peak contraction would be at the top of your curl motion. This would help in establishing the mind-muscle connection which is weak in case of your non dominant side.

4. Focus on eccentric motion

Most people do only half reps. For eg while doing bicep curls they only concentrate on the upward motion and let gravity take over on the way down. If you want to get the most out of your biceps, controlled eccentric motion is absolutely essential. While focusing and slowly getting the weights down you can build much greater strength and size in your biceps.

5. Train your non dominant bicep beyond failure

Biceps are the easiest and safest muscles to train beyond failure. Failure is reached when you cannot perform an additional rep with proper form. When it comes to training your non dominant bicep you have to take it beyond failure. Usually if you want to take your reps beyond failure in any other exercise you’d probably need a spot or a training partner. Imagine you doing squats and taking the reps beyond failure it become quite dangerous and you are then completely at the mercy of your spotter. This way training your bicep beyond failure is as safe as it can get. Once failure is reached on your non dominant left side, you can take the help of your right hand and perform forced reps while concentrating on eccentrics.

Final Word

You need to give your weak side reason to grow and develop. Change the way you train. If you strive for aesthetics then you know very well the importance of developing both sides to its full potential. Just incorporate these tips the next time you train your biceps. If you found this article helpful let me know in the comments section.

Cheers. Have a fit weekend everyone.

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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Nutrition Numbers Explained

I don’t know why but people usually don’t bring the same intensity as they show in training when it comes to nutrition. People plan their workout schedule so articulately ending up going to the gym 5-6 days a week, hitting those deltoids from all possible angles but are uncertain what they put in their mouth. Nutrition as I said in my previous article is very important to see those results which you so desperately crave. If you don’t take it seriously you my friend are walking a very thin line.

In this article I will try to guide you on how to plan your nutrition numbers which would fulfill your goals.

Step 1. Calculate your BMR

BMR refers to Basal Metabolic Rate, it shows the number of calories your body will burn in a neutral state. There are a number of calculators available online which you can use to calculate your number. For eg. If you get 1800 calories, that means your body will burn 1800 calories in a day if you do absolutely nothing.

Step 2. Factor in your Activity Level

Activity Level
Very low activity (Couch potato)
Light activity
Moderate activity
High activity

Even if one has a regular desk job and goes to the gym regularly, his activity level should be at the most moderate.

Step 3. Maintenance calories

Multiply results from Step 1 & 2 to know you maintenance calories. Maintenance calories are the calories you need to maintain your body weight and fat percent at the current level of activity.

Step 4. Calculate calories as per your goal

This is the most important number. If your goal is to gain you should be aiming to consume more calories than your maintenance calories and the other way around if you want to lose weight. Half kg of fat contains around 3500 calories. So if you want to lose half kg of fat in a week you should be consuming 500 calories (3500/7) less than your maintenance calories.

For eg:

If you are planning to cut down
Light Activity
X          1.4
Maintenance Calories
Less: Deficit       
Daily Calorie Intake

If you are planning to gain
Moderate Activity
X          1.6
Maintenance Calories
Add: Extra Calories        
Daily Calorie Intake

Tracking your calorie intake can be quite intimidating at first but there are various fitness apps like myfitnesspal available to help you out. Give it a try and become more systematic in your approach to nutrition. You will feel the change if you get those number right.

To keep this article simple I am not going into details regarding macro-nutrients and their composition. I will cover that separately.


There’s a popular saying that you cannot out train a bad diet. If we are so dedicated in our workouts why do we ignore our nutrition? It amazes me.  If you don’t have respect for nutrition, you’ll probably give up on your goals and end up disappointed. Be scientific in your approach, be true to yourself, plan well and bring the same intensity towards nutrition. Beast Mode doesn’t end in the gym, it ends on your dining table.

bon appétit


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Sunday, 20 September 2015

How to get those lower abs to pop out

People normally ask me, what is the secret in getting those clearly defined abs specially the V cut on the lower abs. They say that they can feel and see those upper abs but have no idea how to get those lower abs to appear. In this article I have compiled a few tips which may help you in your journey to shredded six pack abs.

First I would like to say if you are here looking for a shortcut or a magic pill to get that shredded core, I would advice you to look else where. I believe there are no shortcuts. The only way to get the results you want to see is through hard work and dedication. I also do not believe in the popular phrase "Abs are made in the kitchen". Sure nutrition plays an important part but to completely disregard the training part of it is laughable. 100% dedication to training and 100% dedication to nutrition is the way to do it. This article is for those who workout regularly and have a solid nutrition plan. Also until you have a low body fat percentage, you wont be able to see those abs.

Here are a few tips to get those lower abs to pop out:

1. Be Consistent
Consistency is the key. Be consistent with you training as well as nutrition.

2. Core in Everything
Activate your core for each and every exercise that you do.

3. Core Day
Keep a dedicated core day in your schedule to ensure that you hit that core from all angles and none of the muscles are overlooked.

Incorporate a bit of High Intensity Interval Training in your abs workout. eg. 1 min ab work followed by 2 rounds of skipping. They both work great together.

5. Exercises
Lower abs dont work in isolation i.e if you do a particular exercise the entire core in engaged, the lower abs as well as the upper abs. However there are some exercises which target more of lower abs eg. heels to the heaven, hanging leg raises, reverse crunches.

6. Incorporate Weights
Body weight core exercises are cute. But if you want some serious definition you have to go for weighted ab work. You can use cables, resistance bands, dumbbells to overload those core muscles.

7. Train till failure
While doing ab work take the reps till failure. Its going to burn!! oh yeah mark my words if you do those abs exercises correctly its going to burn like hell. Most people leave the set as soon as it starts burning. Learn to enjoy the burn and train through it.

Final word
Its going to take time, dont worry about that. Time will pass anyway but in the end if you are consistent in your efforts it will all be worth it. May you get that complete shredded core you deserve.

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