Friday, 25 December 2015

Fat-Blasting Workouts (Read at your own risk!)

Does your cardio consists of only running on the treadmill? If yes, then you might want to reconsider this ineffective time wasting routine and open the doors to HIGH INTENSITY training. High intensity training will get you better results in less amount of time and also will help you to preserve the muscle which you have earned through your workouts.

Try these five fat blasting workout and accelerate your fat loss:

1. Jump Rope

So simple yet so effective. This will get your heart racing in just a few seconds. Get a heavy workout jump rope and not a speed rope. That way it will work your upper body as well. This exercise is also a calf builder, so that’s another major plus. Try out this Jump Rope Routine:

  • (2 minute Jump Rope followed by 1 minute rest) x 5 sets

2. Battle Rope

Torch that unwanted fat with battle ropes. If you have access to it at your gym then great, otherwise you can just buy it. It’s pretty inexpensive and you can just tie it to pole and start your workout. It’s a great exercise for overall conditioning and will help you to get that calorie deficit, plus it’s so much fun to do!

3. Agility ladder

As Jeff Cavaliere from Athlean-x says “If you want to look like an athlete, you have to train like one”. The Agility ladder is another addition to your arsenal. Great exercise to increase speed and overall conditioning. It burns tons of calories as well. You’ll burnout in just a few minutes.

4. Sprints

Have you ever compared body composition of a marathon runner and a sprinter? Depending on your aim you should be doing either steady state cardio or sprints. If you want to look a marathon runner then you can spend hours on a treadmill, it will eventually burnout all your muscle and fat as well. But if you like the muscular appeal and also want to burn out all the fat, then sprint your way to success. Try out this routine:

  • Grab a couple of cones and place one at the start and the other at a distance of about 25 meters.
  • Set the time on your timer to 2 minutes.
  • Sprint from one cone to the other and come back jogging. Continue this for 2 minutes.
  • Get atleast three 2 minute sets before you throw your towel. 


This is my personal favourite. Even since I tried High Intensity Interval Training, I haven’t put a foot on the treadmill. It gets the work done in about 15-20 minutes and is very effective. Use your phone to monitor the intervals or get a GYMBOSS. Try out this routine:
  • 20 seconds burpees
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds mountain climbers
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds box jumps
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds mountain climbers
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds Jump Rope
  • 10 seconds rest
  • 20 seconds burpees 

This is one set, try to complete atleast 3 sets.

Final Word

There is no doubt that doing High Intensity workout will take a lot out of you and is relatively difficult to perform than the steady state cardio. But would you avoid an exercise just because it is difficult to perform? Would you settle for an average looking physique instead of that lean, shredded, ripped look? If your answer is no, then I’m glad to help.

Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful. Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers

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Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The Posterior Chain

The posterior chain consists of a group of muscles on the posterior side of your body. Starting for the lower body they include calves, hamstring, glutes, lower back, lats, rhomboids, rear deltoid and finally the traps.

Most people make the mistake of training only the mirror muscles ie. Chest, abs, biceps. The posterior chain is ‘out of sight out of mind’ for many people. If you are a serious lifter or you want to get aesthetic then you shouldn’t be making this mistake. Training your posterior chain will get you that well rounded balanced physique.

These exercises should help you develop a strong posterior chain:

1. Squat

The king of all exercises, the squat gives you most bang for your buck. If you have knee problems then don’t go ‘ass to grass’. Ensure you are at least parallel to the floor.

Muscles worked: quads, glutes and hamstring.

2. The Deadlift

Another great compound exercise. Form is the key here as with any other exercise. Once you master it you won’t have any regrets.

Muscles worked: traps, lats, lower back, glutes, hamstring, quads and calves.

3. Romanian Deads

This is a variation to the classic deadlift. It puts most of the focus on hamstring. Instead of doing isolated leg curls, try the Romanian deads on your leg day.

Muscles worked: hamstring, glutes and lower back.

4. Hip thrusts

The most underrated exercise. Another great compound exercise to add to your arsenal.

Muscles worked: glutes and hamstring.

5. Standing calf raises

Strong muscular calves are like the Holy Grail for those who are serious about their workouts. It is one of the most stubborn muscle groups to grow. The only way to ensure it grows is overload. Overload the weight and train till failure.

Muscles worked: calves.

6. Weighted wide grip pull ups

Is there a better exercise for width than wide grip pull ups? I don’t think so. Grab those 45s between your legs. You will see the difference in a few weeks.

Muscles worked: Lats, mid back, shoulders.

7. Bent over dumbbell lateral raise

Tip: control the eccentric part.

Muscles worked: rear deltoid, mid back and traps.

Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful. Cheers

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Sunday, 15 November 2015

Carbs – The Good, The Bad & The Worst

Most people have their proteins and fats sorted out but are unsure over carbs. Most are scared of carbs and prefer to maintain their distance. They often tend to adopt a Zero Carb diet. Are carbs really the demon? Should you be avoiding them in your journey to get to that dream body? Lets find out.

Glycemic Index (GI)

The Glycemic Index is the measure of how rapidly carbs are absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose get the highest rank (100) on the index since it is absorbed instantly. Carbs are classified into Simple Carbs (High Glycemic) and Complex Carbs (Low Glycemic) according to their score on the Glycemic Index. 

Lets take a look on how your body reacts when you eat a simple carb. Suppose you drink a can of coke. Being a simple carb, it gets absorbed almost instantly into the blood stream which results into an increase in the blood sugar level. Your body recognises this sugar rush and releases a hormone insulin to counter this. Insulin takes this sugar from the blood stream and delivers it to the liver and muscle. If your glycogen reserves are full, then your muscles may reject this. All of this and the the remaining sugar will be stored in your body as fat. Once this sugar is out of the blood stream you will experience a crash and feel hungry.

Complex carbs have a relative low GI score than their counterparts. That means they are absorbed slowly and result in a lesser insulin spike. They provide a more sustained source of energy. You will also feel more energetic.

Generally the simple carbs are the ones which are highly processed. While in case of complex carbs your body has to undergo a process to break them down. Complex carbs also contain lot of fibre. Fibre being indigestible, it slows down absorption.

The Good

Complex carbs are a jackpot. They can be consumed at any time during the day. Your body needs a energy to fuel your activities. These carbs provide a steady sustained stream of energy without really spiking the insulin. As a general rule if a carb has a score of 60 or less on the GI scale you should not worry about it. Examples are as follows:

1. Oats
2. Brown Rice
3. Sweet potato
4. Most fruits
5. Most Vegetable
6. Pasta
7. Whole grain foods

The Bad

Carbs are non-essential macro nutrients meaning your body can produce those on its own. If you are planning to compete and go on stage and are looking to get your fat percentage into single digits, then you should be cutting your carb intake and replacing those calories with protein. That’s a different nutrition plan altogether. If you don’t fit in this category then shouldn’t worry about it.

The Worst  

Simple carbs are the evil. If your carb ranks higher than 70 on the glycemic index then it should be avoided at all costs. You should find out and eliminate such food items from your diet slowly but surely. The only time you can consume these type of carbs is right after your workout when your muscle glycogen is depleted and this will be taken up by your body to replenish your glycogen stores. Examples are as follows:

1. Sugar
2. Bread (Except Whole grain)
3. White rice
4. White Potatoes
5. Corn

Final Word

It’s really simple. Avoid simple carbs and concentrate on eating the complex type and you are good to go. Don't ever make the mistake of ignoring them altogether. Carbs play an important role in how your body functions. Without carbs you cannot build muscle. Carbs also provide fuel for your workouts.

Nutrition plays a big part in what we look like. Ignoring this would be a big mistake. Without nutrition you will never be able to see the results for which you train so hard in the gym. Bring your A-game when it comes to nutrition. Eat Smart and make all the right choices.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers.

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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

un-(Healthy Foods)

Think you are eating healthy? Well think again.

Following are five ‘so called’ healthy foods which you need to stop eating:

1. Fruit Juices

You probably know that carbonated drinks are bad, so you may think that fruit juices are a healthier alternative. Not so fast. Most of the fruit juices which are available contain high amounts of sugar. Which is the first thing you need to avoid while on a weight loss regime. Sugar i.e glucose gets absorbed almost instantly in your blood stream and causes your insulin to spike, creating ideal conditions for fat storage.

Not to mention that in most fruit juices there is little or no fruit component. Artificial sweeteners and colours are used to make you feel that you are drinking the real deal. Even if your fruit juice is 100% natural, due to low fibre content it is always better to eat the fruit instead of the juice.

2. Healthy Biscuits

Highly refined wheat flour is the main ingredient of Biscuits. Wheat four i.e maida has no nutritional value. There are healthier options now available but although they put in whole wheat, refined wheat is still the main base. Also biscuits contain high sugar. Sugar and maida, just the perfect combination to get you fat!

If you don’t mind a bit of extra calories there’s another thing which you should be worrying about. The words “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated”. It only means one thing. Trans fats! Which is the worst thing you can put in your mouth.

3. Low Fat Flavoured Yogurts

You need to get over one thing. Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating excess calories will make you fat. Also eating simple carbs (sugar) further promotes fat storage. Don’t get fooled by the word “low fat”. These may be low in fat but flavoured yogurts also contain high amount of sugar.

Next time you think of picking up a low fat or fat free yogurt, just check the nutritional tag. If sugar is more than 5 gms it isn’t worth your time.

4. Multigrain Bread

A lot of people think that by opting for a multigrain bread they are choosing a healthier option. Just remember multigrain is not the same as whole grain bread. Even if it contains 9 grains and is refined flour it isn’t the same as a whole grain bread. Next time check or ask for a 100% whole grain bread.

5.  Breakfast Cereals

Let me tell you most of the breakfast cereals out there are not healthy. Just because the word healthy is written on it don’t just jump over it. Most of the cereals are laced with sugar and refined carbs. These are processed foods so they contain no fibre. Imagine starting your day with high sugar and refined carbs. Disastrous! Right?

Final Word:

These are just five foods, I can assure you there are many. You just need to stay vary and be smart when it comes to fuelling your body which the right nutrients. Don’t just believe the words written on the front of the package or how it is marketing. Inspect for yourself by carefully scrutinising the nutritional tag behind each item. This additional 30 secs spent while selecting the item will go a long way towards fulfilling your nutritional goals.

Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful. Cheers

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PS. Its Diwali time! Doesn’t mean you have to throw your fitness goals and diet out of the window. Eat smart and make the right choices.

Happy Diwali Everyone!!   

Friday, 30 October 2015

Traps are the new abs!!

You may be a big guy at the gym or a guy who is ripped to the core or you may be someone who has T-shirt tearing biceps but unless you don’t have muscular traps you will not be as visually appealing. You know just by looking at a guy who has towering traps that he is not here to kid around. Those muscles around your neck can give you that strong aesthetic look. Nobody wants a slope running through their shoulders. If you are someone who is struggling to break though the plateau I have just the perfect routine for you. Read on to know more.

Training your traps should be more than just doing shrugs at the end of your back or shoulder workout. Shrugs are a staple for training traps but after sometime it become too monotonous. Also I have seen people doing shrugs with extremely heavy weights ultimately losing both form and the point of doing the exercise.

Training tip for shrugs: keep your arms neutral, head straight. Ensure you don’t bend your elbows cause that would activate your biceps and shoulders. Go heavy but don’t do ego lifting.

I have three exercises which would blast your traps:

1. Farmers Carry

I rarely see someone doing farmers carry at the gym. Which is exactly why you should be doing them. This is a long forgotten exercise. It’s too good of an exercise to ignore. It will not only hit the traps but your entire upper back. It also improves your grip strength which will help you with your other lifts. Just grab those 45s and start walking!

Training tip: Keep your head straight, chest forward, back upright and arms neutral. Don’t be afraid to go heavy on this. The whole point is to overload those traps.

2. Face Pulls

It’s a very effective exercise for targeting your middle traps. It is done using the cables. Hold the weight in front of your face then just pull it back as simple as that. A rope extension can be used to get a good contraction.

Training tip: Hold the contraction at the peak for a second and concentrate on eccentric.

3. One Arm Kettlebell Swing

Grab those kettlebells lying at the corner of your gym and put them to use. Starting position should be feet wide apart facing outwards, chest out, back arched, one arm behind your back. Start swinging.

Training tip: Focus on the way down through a controlled movement. That would engage your traps.

Try this routine:
  • One Arm Kettlebell Swing 3 sets x 15 reps each side (30 seconds break in between sets)
  • 1 minute break
  • Superset x 3 (1 minute break in between sets)

          a) Face Pulls 15 reps (no break)
          b) Farmers Carry 60 seconds (no break)
          c) Straight into shrugs without dropping the weight

Try out this routine and let me know. You will surely see the changes in your trap development. Don’t let your traps be your weak point. Having those mountains behind your neck is what separates men from boys.

Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers

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Sunday, 18 October 2015

How Alcohol affects your fitness

Is Alcohol coming in the way of your fitness goals? Read on to know more.

Why do people drink alcohol? Some of the most common reasons/excuses are:
  • Too much stress in work/personal life
  • Sports fan. You just wait for the next game to call your friends over.
  • To celebrate the weekend
  • To socialise

The list can go on and on. Reasons may be different but people consume alcohol which eventually becomes part of their lifestyle. If you are into fitness you’ll have to tread carefully. Alcohol has the power to destroy your fitness goals.

There is no denying the fact that alcohol is bad for you whether you are a bodybuilder or just a regular person. The fitness community has for long steered itself clear of alcohol. According to many pros there is no place for alcohol in a fit man’s life. Does that mean you have to give up on those night outs at your favourite club? Let’s find out.

1. Calories in Alcohol

1 gram of alcohol contains about 7 calories. If you compare this to other macronutrients it is quite high with only fat pipping it at 9 calories per gram. While Protein and Carbohydrates sit at 4 calories per gram. Thus alcohol is a calorie dense product. It should also be noted that calories from alcohol doesn’t contain any nutritional value. Scientists refer to this as “empty calories”. If you are a person who is on a fat loss mission enjoying your favourite drink may put you two steps back.

Let us look at calorie content of various drinks:
  • 1 pint of Beer contains about 180-200 calories
  • 1 glass of Wine contains about 160 calories
  • 1 glass of Long island iced tea contains anywhere between 300-700 calories
  • 30 ml of whiskey/vodka (neat) contains about 100 calories (If you add a mixer calorie count increases)
  • 1 jagerbomb contains about 200 calories

Next time when you are out partying, make sure you choose your drink and mixer wisely.

2. Lack of Judgement

Alcohol increases craving for junk food. When you are consuming alcohol you lose your judgement and consume all the wrong kinds of food. You’ll probably binge on pizza slices and french fries throwing your macros out of the window which can be detrimental to your fitness goals. All the excess calories will eventually show up on your belly.

3. Toxic effect

Your body recognises alcohol as a toxin which is bad. As soon as alcohol enters the body, your body shuts all the protein synthesis/fat burning process and tries to get rid of it. Your body even shuts absorption of vital nutrients. Liver plays a major role in breaking down the alcohol into acetates which is further broken down and eventually leaves the body a waste product. If you are the kind of person who keeps track of everything that goes in your mouth and treats food as a fuel source for your body, then why would you put anything in your body which may cause harm?

4. Dehydration

Alcohol causes dehydration. If you are into fitness or bodybuilding you probably know how important it is to stay hydrated throughout the day. Alcohol dehydrates muscle cells making it very difficult to build new muscle. Also the next day you’ll probably be hungover and miss your workout.

5. Alcohol lowers testosterone levels

As you probably know testosterone helps in fat loss and also contributes to building muscle mass. Alcohol tends to reduce testosterone levels which may put your fitness progress to a screeching halt. Reduction in testosterone levels may also lead to decrease in the metabolic rate.


There is no denying the fact that there are various negative effects of consuming alcohol. Excess consumption on a regular basis will eventually damage your liver, Kidneys and other vital organs. Long story short, alcohol is bad for you.

My View

Alcohol is bad for you. So what isn’t? Even the air which we breathe is polluted and is bad for our lungs. What about our food which is covered in pesticide. Even driving for that matter is unsafe. Does that mean we stop breathing, eating or driving? Absolutely not. Alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation. So the next time you raise your glass just calculate the hours you’ll need to spend on that treadmill just to compensate. This way you’ll automatically drink in moderation. 

Final Word

Unless you are preparing to go on stage, a few drinks won’t do too much harm. Excess of anything is harmful. You can definitely enjoy couple of cold ones on a Friday night and still have a six pack. 

Guys let me know your views in the comments section. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

Cheers (with H2O of course).

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Saturday, 3 October 2015

Its all about the macros

All right so you probably know how many calories you have to intake to achieve your desired result. If not please refer my article ‘Nutrition Numbers Explained’. So suppose your number is 2500 calories a day, you must be thinking that you can eat crap all day and so long it is within the overall 2500 calories limit you’ll still achieve the desired result. Sorry but it’s not how your body works. You cant feast on donuts all day and expect fat loss to happen even though you do not cross your overall threshold calorie mark for the day. This is where macro-nutrients come in. Read on to know more.

Macro Nutrients as the name suggests are required by the body in large quantities. There are three macro-nutrients which the body requires to function optimally viz protein, carbohydrates and fats. You need to balance all the three macro-nutrients in order for them to work for you. Let us go through each one in detail.


Muscle is made out of muscle protein. Protein which you consume is broken down into amino acids which is critical to initiate muscle-protein synthesis. So to build more muscle you need more protein. Protein not only helps to build lean muscle but also at the same time helps to lose fat. Research has shown that higher the amount of protein in your diet higher will be your fat loss. Also you can never go wrong with high amounts of protein as it is very difficult for the body to convert protein into fat, so almost all of it will be used in building new muscle or will be used as an energy source.

So the next Question is how much protein? If you are training hard then you should be consuming at least two grams per Kilogram of Bodyweight per day. If you are not training then you should be aiming for at least one gram per Kilogram of Bodyweight per day. For eg if you weigh 70 Kgs you should be consuming at least 140 grams of protein in a day if you are training intensely. Each gram of protein contains about 4 calories.

According to a survey conducted by IMRB it was found that 9 out of 10 Indians lack adequate protein in their diet, which is quite shocking actually. So the next time you sit to eat your meal and you cant locate protein in it then DON’T EAT IT.

Protein Sources: Chicken Breasts, Fish, Tukery, Dairy (Milk, Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese etc), Eggs, Protein Shakes, Beans, Tofu, Soya Bean, etc.


Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source during workouts. Body uses muscle glycogen which fuels the workouts. Generally people tend to eat a lot of carbs mainly sugar which the body doesn’t need in that quantity. Thereby resulting in fat storage. A high protein low carb diet will go a long way in getting your fat percentages to the desired levels. Each gram of carbohydrate contains about 4 calories.

There are two types of Carbohydrates:

High Glycemic Carbohydrates:

These are basically fast digesting carbohydrates i.e they are absorbed very rapidly into the blood stream directly. Too much of these and your blood sugar level will rise which would result in insulin spikes and will accelerate fat storage. If you are looking to lose fat, these type of carbs should be avoided at all costs. The only time you can have high glycemic carbohydrates is right after your workouts.

Sources of high glycemic carbohydrates are sugar, white rice, bread, potatoes, etc.

Low Glycemic Carbohydrates:

These are the good carbs. They contain high fibre and are slow digesting type. They provide the body with a steady stream of energy. These should be your preferred carb source which can be eaten at all times during the day. Since they are slow digesting, they do not spike blood sugar or insulin levels.

Sources of high glycemic carbohydrates are pasta, oats, fruits, sweet potatoes, brown rice


Fat is the most misunderstood macronutrient. Just because you eat fat doesn’t mean you’ll get fat. Fat is absolutely essential in your diet if your goal is to build muscle. Fats also help to protect the integrity of cell membrane and various organs in the body. Fats are calorically dense hence one has to keep in mind that they donot exceed their daily caloric limit. Each gram of fat contains about 9 calories.  

There are mainly four different type of fats:

Omega 3 fats

These are essential fatty acids which your body cannot produce on its own. Thus your body has to get if from nutrition or through supplementation. Omega 3 fatty acids are critical as they support fat loss and aid muscle growth and recovery.

Sources: salmon, tuna, Omega 3 supplements, etc.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats were considered the villain back in 1980s but research has shown that they help to enhance testosterone levels in males which in turn helps to build muscle and increase your workout intensity.

Sources: egg yolks, butter, cheese, etc.

Mono-unsaturated fats

These are also the good kind of fats. They are used as an energy source throughout the day.

Sources: nuts, peanut butter, etc.

Trans fats

If you ever see the words partially hydrogenated on back of any product, then just RUN!! Yes you need to stay clear of such products. They are altered at the molecular level to help preserve the product. Once you consume it, your body doesn’t recognise it and doesn’t know what to do with it. Research has shown that it leads to heart disease and cancer.

Sources: French fries, chips, fried snacks, etc.

Macronutrient Ratios

This is what it all comes down to. The Ratio of protein, carbs and fats of total calories                                      

For Fat Loss you should be aiming for 50 (Protein) : 20 (Carbs) : 30 (Fats) of your total calorie intake.

If muscle building is your goal you should be aiming for 30 (Protein) : 50 (Carbs) : 20 (Fats) of your total calorie intake.


There is no one fixed ratio or one perfect diet. Try it and see how your body responds to a particular macro-nutrient composition. There are a lot of factors which need to work in sync to have that perfect body. Macro-Nutrients are just one of them. Hope this article helps you in your journey to get that stellar physique. Guys let me know your views in the comments section below.

Have a fit weekend everyone. Cheers.

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