Saturday, 3 October 2015

Its all about the macros

All right so you probably know how many calories you have to intake to achieve your desired result. If not please refer my article ‘Nutrition Numbers Explained’. So suppose your number is 2500 calories a day, you must be thinking that you can eat crap all day and so long it is within the overall 2500 calories limit you’ll still achieve the desired result. Sorry but it’s not how your body works. You cant feast on donuts all day and expect fat loss to happen even though you do not cross your overall threshold calorie mark for the day. This is where macro-nutrients come in. Read on to know more.

Macro Nutrients as the name suggests are required by the body in large quantities. There are three macro-nutrients which the body requires to function optimally viz protein, carbohydrates and fats. You need to balance all the three macro-nutrients in order for them to work for you. Let us go through each one in detail.


Muscle is made out of muscle protein. Protein which you consume is broken down into amino acids which is critical to initiate muscle-protein synthesis. So to build more muscle you need more protein. Protein not only helps to build lean muscle but also at the same time helps to lose fat. Research has shown that higher the amount of protein in your diet higher will be your fat loss. Also you can never go wrong with high amounts of protein as it is very difficult for the body to convert protein into fat, so almost all of it will be used in building new muscle or will be used as an energy source.

So the next Question is how much protein? If you are training hard then you should be consuming at least two grams per Kilogram of Bodyweight per day. If you are not training then you should be aiming for at least one gram per Kilogram of Bodyweight per day. For eg if you weigh 70 Kgs you should be consuming at least 140 grams of protein in a day if you are training intensely. Each gram of protein contains about 4 calories.

According to a survey conducted by IMRB it was found that 9 out of 10 Indians lack adequate protein in their diet, which is quite shocking actually. So the next time you sit to eat your meal and you cant locate protein in it then DON’T EAT IT.

Protein Sources: Chicken Breasts, Fish, Tukery, Dairy (Milk, Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese etc), Eggs, Protein Shakes, Beans, Tofu, Soya Bean, etc.


Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source during workouts. Body uses muscle glycogen which fuels the workouts. Generally people tend to eat a lot of carbs mainly sugar which the body doesn’t need in that quantity. Thereby resulting in fat storage. A high protein low carb diet will go a long way in getting your fat percentages to the desired levels. Each gram of carbohydrate contains about 4 calories.

There are two types of Carbohydrates:

High Glycemic Carbohydrates:

These are basically fast digesting carbohydrates i.e they are absorbed very rapidly into the blood stream directly. Too much of these and your blood sugar level will rise which would result in insulin spikes and will accelerate fat storage. If you are looking to lose fat, these type of carbs should be avoided at all costs. The only time you can have high glycemic carbohydrates is right after your workouts.

Sources of high glycemic carbohydrates are sugar, white rice, bread, potatoes, etc.

Low Glycemic Carbohydrates:

These are the good carbs. They contain high fibre and are slow digesting type. They provide the body with a steady stream of energy. These should be your preferred carb source which can be eaten at all times during the day. Since they are slow digesting, they do not spike blood sugar or insulin levels.

Sources of high glycemic carbohydrates are pasta, oats, fruits, sweet potatoes, brown rice


Fat is the most misunderstood macronutrient. Just because you eat fat doesn’t mean you’ll get fat. Fat is absolutely essential in your diet if your goal is to build muscle. Fats also help to protect the integrity of cell membrane and various organs in the body. Fats are calorically dense hence one has to keep in mind that they donot exceed their daily caloric limit. Each gram of fat contains about 9 calories.  

There are mainly four different type of fats:

Omega 3 fats

These are essential fatty acids which your body cannot produce on its own. Thus your body has to get if from nutrition or through supplementation. Omega 3 fatty acids are critical as they support fat loss and aid muscle growth and recovery.

Sources: salmon, tuna, Omega 3 supplements, etc.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats were considered the villain back in 1980s but research has shown that they help to enhance testosterone levels in males which in turn helps to build muscle and increase your workout intensity.

Sources: egg yolks, butter, cheese, etc.

Mono-unsaturated fats

These are also the good kind of fats. They are used as an energy source throughout the day.

Sources: nuts, peanut butter, etc.

Trans fats

If you ever see the words partially hydrogenated on back of any product, then just RUN!! Yes you need to stay clear of such products. They are altered at the molecular level to help preserve the product. Once you consume it, your body doesn’t recognise it and doesn’t know what to do with it. Research has shown that it leads to heart disease and cancer.

Sources: French fries, chips, fried snacks, etc.

Macronutrient Ratios

This is what it all comes down to. The Ratio of protein, carbs and fats of total calories                                      

For Fat Loss you should be aiming for 50 (Protein) : 20 (Carbs) : 30 (Fats) of your total calorie intake.

If muscle building is your goal you should be aiming for 30 (Protein) : 50 (Carbs) : 20 (Fats) of your total calorie intake.


There is no one fixed ratio or one perfect diet. Try it and see how your body responds to a particular macro-nutrient composition. There are a lot of factors which need to work in sync to have that perfect body. Macro-Nutrients are just one of them. Hope this article helps you in your journey to get that stellar physique. Guys let me know your views in the comments section below.

Have a fit weekend everyone. Cheers.

Follow my fitness journey on IG


  1. Great read bro, thanks so much for explaining in detail about Macros.
    I am sure everyone will be more careful with what they eat throughout the day, specially if they wish to "Live the fit way"
    Keep up the good work.
